Category Archives: exterior

Every Day I’m Croquet-ing

While I cant compete with the totally sweet built-in Shuffleboard that Robert over at Live Better Electrically has, we have land, and an important requirement as a land baron is that one must have appropriate games to partake in so you can utilize those vast green expanses.

When we moved in, we found a nice Bocce set in the basement…pretty sure it was from 1983, I may even be able to find a picture of it in some of the albums or slides I have:

Bocce set from the 1980s...nice shorts dude.

Bocce set from the 1980s…John Ritter’s ghost called and wants his shorts back.

But no yard game group would be complete without the mother of all lawn games:

The all-new Croquet set

The all-new Croquet set

Huzzah! Croquet! Just picked this up today.

Mary and I get married in a few weeks (August 10th) and my brother and sister and their families (kids) will be staying with us. Pretty sure we’ll break this out a few times.

Of course if it’s rainy, we can always play with the Legos from my childhood that are in the basement (on the ping pong table) too:

The Sorting of the's a little like the crushing of the grapes.

The Sorting of the Legos…it’s a little like the crushing of the grapes. Sort of.

Rooftop Fun

One of the things that is no fun but needs to be done is roof maintenance. I have a strange vertigo thing – if I perceive there to be danger I am afraid, but if I feel safe or secure I have no fear at all.

This evenings thankless task? Scrubbing moss from the roof after applying Roof Wash.


Lamppost Repair

Outside the house are a nice matched (or at least close) exterior lights – three at the doors, and two lampposts on the driveway. Before moving in I was sure we were going to replace them. I had even gone so far as to pick out what I thought we would get. But as we got into the interior renovations, we realized that one of the key colors of the house was black – black metal interior railings, black metal supports for the back patio, and black exterior lighting. Cleaning and repainting the railings really made me realize how good they look if you just clean and paint them. Most of these also have an accessory outlet in them, making them super convenient if you need electricity in the middle of the yard (for say, a weed whacker.) So off I went to try my hand at getting these looking awesome.

As you can see in the first couple of pictures, they were pretty whipped. I actually repainted these once back in the late 90’s. Somewhere in the interim, my Grandmother also asked my aunt’s husband to do it – he did it about as quick as you could with a can of spray paint, hence all the overspray on the glass. For this go-round, I took the lights completely apart and scrubbed them, giving everything a good steel wool (000 fine) wipe-down, including the glass. I then hit all the parts with the classic go-to: Rustoleum protective enamel in gloss black – the same stuff I use on everything. As a renovation note: I find you get far superior results brushing on the paint than using the spray paint version. The coverage is thicker and better, and the finish has a much better gloss qualities. Most of these old fixtures are also made of lightweight aluminum, which is easy to maintain and does not rust and therefore is good to keep.

I’m pleased with the results.  Of course there are five lights…so I have a bit more work to do:

Peonies, in Polaroid

Along the west side of the house Grandma planted a bunch of peonies many years ago – I recall her mentioning they were a gift from her mother-in-law (who passed away in 1978), so they probably date to the 1960s. Either way, they have been growing in the same spot for at least as long as I have been alive.

As we spend our first year in the house, we’ve been watching the things planted outdoors so we can make some changes but retain some perennial plantings, like these peonies. So far we have blooming (in this order): crocus, daffodils, tulips, forsythia, lilac, and peonies.

I have some vintage cameras as well, including a Polaroid from 1967 – they all still work, and I still use them fairly regularly. A few weeks ago I shot some pictures with the Exakta 35mm (that film will be developed soon, I only just finished the roll…how long has it been since you’ve heard that?), but just the other day I grabbed the Polaroid 450, attached some lenses to it, and shot a few of the peonies. These are scans of the physical pictures – no Instagram here:



Land Baron

Now that I’m a land baron, I must have the proper machinery to take care of my stead:


That’s our new John Deere D110. I picked it up a few weeks ago. In just a few weeks I’ve managed to learn how to mow the whole property (1.1 acres) in about 2 hours. Including the meadow. One of the big adjustments from living downtown to living in suburbia is lawn care. Given that we’ve got (relatively speaking) a very large lawn, this has become quite the endeavor. I’ve been out cutting low branches, picking rocks, planting grass in different areas and more. I feel like George W. Bush circa 2004. You know, clearing brush on the ranch.

Next on my list? Building a picnic table for out back. I’m going to do it myself.