Monthly Archives: April 2014

Happy Birthday, Stephen!

Not six hours after I wrote the last post discussing the fact that this blog was celebrating its first birthday, Mary went into labor (a few weeks early) in the morning on April 5th. We were preparing for her baby shower, which was happening here at the house that afternoon. The baby shower went on without us, and we welcomed baby Stephen Jay Camin at 2pm on April 5th! (right in the middle of the shower!)

Everyone is doing well – being a day short of 37 weeks, they stuck him in the NICU for observation for the first few days, but he is doing well and has no issues (as does Mary.)


Happy Birthday, Blog!

Today marks one year of writing this blog. I think this blog has covered a lot of ground and documents some pretty interesting history in the Owego area. Coincidentally, I would not have started the blog if not for some encouragement from Abbey Hendrickson from the Aesthetic Outburst blog, who also runs the Tioga Arts Council (and the Home Tour.) There are a lot of shadow readers out there – I run into people all the time who tell me that they regularly keep up with our posts on here. It’s awesome that people enjoy it, and I hope that the things Mary and I share here are helpful or inspiring to others with cool mid-mod houses as well.

Here’s a little statistical fun covering the first year:

Total pages viewed: 14,615

Average views per day: 43

Most popular post: Adventures in Mid-Century Modern Kitchen Flooring (1,146) – this post shows up with readers daily and apparently ranks high on Google searches about mid mod flooring.

Second most popular post: It’s All About The Sputniks (844) – a post about sputnik lights on the Retro Renovation blog has a link to this on it, and people seem to click on it a lot from there.

Right now we’re preparing for the arriving baby (Mary’s baby shower is tomorrow. We have the baby’s room mostly furnished), and I’ve been busy with a number of other projects that I will steadily be documenting here on the blog as time goes by.

Thanks for reading!